Poniższy przykład demonstruje jak za pomocą prostej klasy pomocniczej można manipulować sygnałami IO nody systemu MATES tak jakby sygnały te były elementami tabeli:

import mates

class Dio3(mates.Mates):
    """Represents one MATES-DIO3-MK1 node."""

    def __init__(self):
        super(Dio3, self).__init__("proxy.mon")
        self.node = None
        for node in (self.mates_dio3_mk1_1, self.mates_dio3_mk1_2):
            # Find first DIO3 node accessible on the bus.
            if self.discover_node(node):
                self.node = node
    def get_din(self, channel):
        return super(Dio3, self).get_din(self.node, channel)
    def set_dout(self, channel, value):
        super(Dio3, self).set_dout(self.node, channel, value)
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.get_din(idx)
    def __setitem__(self, idx, val):
        self.set_dout(idx, val)

# First, make sure the node we are using is connected.
m = mates.Mates("proxy.mon", 1)
if m.discover_node(m.mates_dio3_mk1_1):
    # The with statement below handles opening and closing of 
    # the MATES handle. See Mates class constructor for details.
    with Dio3() as d:
        print("First channel: {0}".format(d[0]))
        print("Second channel: {0}".format(d[1]))
        d[2] = 0
        d[3] = 1
        # If we have loopback, then the values below will be 
        # the same as the ones set.